Monday 12 November 2012


This is my questionairre for my music magazine...

1. What gender are you? (please circle your gender)

Female     Male

2. How old are you? (please circle your age)

12-14     15-17     18-20     21-25     Over 25

3. What genre of music are you into? (please circle the following, and if other please write on the space given, circle as many as you like)

Rock     RnB     Classical     Jazz     Country     Alternative     Indie     Other                          

4. What attracts you to a magazine? (please circle the following)

Pictures     Bold text     Bright colours     Gossip     Interviews    Other                                   

5. What is your favourite music magazine? 


6. Would you prefer a magazine based on bands or a solo artist? (Circle your chose)

Bands     Solo Artist     Both

7. What are your three favourite artist/ bands? (please name them)


8. What do you look for in a magazine? (Please circle as many as you like)

Free gift     Interviews     Reviews     Gossip     Other                                   

9. Would you like competitions included in the magazine, to win tickets, signed cds, merchandise etc? (please circle the following answer)

Yes     No     I dont mind

10. How much are you willing to pay for a magazine? (please circle the following price)

Less than a £1     £1.00-£1.50     £2.00-£2.50     £3.00-£3.50     £4.00-£4.50     £5.00-Over

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