Monday 5 November 2012

first draft of my School Magazine cover

This is my first draft of my School Magazine cover...
This is my idea that i would like to take and improve for my school magazine. I used the photo of the school main hall, and I edited it on Photoshop and then stretched it out to my main background picture. I used this specific picture purely because an interview in the article would be similar to her coming into school and explaining her story, and this is where it would be held. I wanted to tie it all in at once. I used black, white and red as my main colours because I wanted it to look more of a classy magazine, however I didn't want it to be boring and just black and white because it wouldn't draw the audiences attention. So I started white fancy looking writing to show the classiness of the magazine, and then used white so it stood out, and didn't show any negativity, using connotation as white representing the pureness of the school and how it is good and heavenly, just showing that the school is a good school. I then used red for the important parts that I wanted the audience to look at, I used it to show what i thought the audience would want to see. I.e. showing who was in the paper, who is famous within Hillingdon, as she attended Bishop Ramsey. I also added the recent house point scores because I know that would be a key thing to draw students eyes to the magazine. However at the moment the it all look like it is in blocks and doesn't look very much like a magazine cover, because the pictures are blending in or cropped or anything, they look like they have just been placed there and it makes it look messy. That then contradicts what I wanted my magazine to look like which was classy. I would like to blend the pictures in and maybe replace them to make them look a bit more organised.  

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