Saturday 10 November 2012

Comparison of double page spread essay

The we love pop magazine is targeted at 11-16 year old girls who have a very big interest in the mainstream music, like chart music. They would also be very interested in gossip and latest news of the main stream industry in music, celebrities and tv program. However the Q magazine is aimed at ages between 16-25 years old male and females, who have a big interest in rock music, old rock and new rock. And usually focused on bands but occasionally solo artists. It is also aimed at people who are interested gigs and festivals. The double page for WeLovePop is about Tulisa, a ex band member on a mainstream RnB/pop band called 'Ndubz'. And now part of he big well known UK show called X factor, who is a judge. She is currently releasing her new album  and the magazine is mainly advertising her new album and X factor. Letting all the audience know the behind scenes gossip of X factor. The Q magazine's double page spread however is about Biffy Clyro, a rock band. This double page spread is mainly showing the audience the rock and roll life they live, as they drink daily and play concerts. Using more complex words rude words such as 'pornography' this shows that it is not suppose to be for people under 16 to read, because not only is it not suitable but they would simply not understand the context.This represents the rebellious life they live. It is not so much music related, and more just humorous friendly 'banter'.

The structure for welovepop is very bright and bold. The colours bright blue and a hot pink and yellow is used as extra colours to make certain parts of the text stand out more than other, for example the questions are in a bold hot pink, so you think about whether you want to read the answer to the question. The have a set style as they go from a page of mainly text then just a big picture then to another page of mainly text then the last page again being a big main picture. This is used to break the magazine up a bit. As it is aimed at younger teenagers they don't want to be reading purely just text and for it to look boring, other wise they would be put off and not want to read it. The text surrounds the pictures, and the pictures have added captions. Which are usually highlighted with a bright colour. Quotes are plotted around the magazine also to break it up a bit to get the reader a 'sneak peak' of what is going to be involved in the article. In the Q magazine it is very basic on the first page. As one page is purely based on just text and this is where the interview takes place. There are no quotes added and all text is used. It looked like a lot of writing on the page. But is not off putting because it is aimed at such a older audience.The top writing of the magazine (heading and subheading) is all centered  it is almost like the opening of the magazine and is easy to see. Biffy Clyro is the biggest text on the whole magazine this clearly shows who the article is about, and this goes with the simple look to the magazine, the heading and subheading are both in black. The actual interview is set out in two columns and each questions is asked and a then a space between each question and answer. On the other page it is mainly just a large picture taking up the whole A4 page and has awards Biffy Clyro have been given in a star, and then a quote which doesn't really relate to the picture.

The pictures used in the double page spread for We love pop is quite varied. As the first page is simply a picture which everyone is probably most familiar with as it is Tulisa and Nicole Scherzinger as they are judges on a worldwide mainstream TV program. It is simply just a Mid shot picture of them with a bright blue border to go with the colour theme of the magazine. It is centered in the middle of the page with all the text around it. This is because the context around it is mainly about the X Factor and as it is very popular it draws the attention of the young audience to see what gossip about the show it will reveal about the inspirational women. On the following page it is a Mid shot close up of Tulisa laughing creating a very positive impression of Tulisa and to represent the positive article, she is laughing, it is very plain with a plain white back ground. It is also very feminine, as she is wearing baby pink lipstick and a hot pink dress/top. This fits in with the girly theme as they would be a lot more interested in it rather than if she looked all gothy. Her well known tattoo on her right arm which says 'The Female Boss' is shown very clearly to show the female power of the article. This makes her very inspirational for the young girl teens as she is seen as independent and free. Which the magazine wants  to show from this picture for young girls to be proud and independent. On the following page a collage which takes up about 2/3 of the page and it is Tulisa with her celeb friends, they all have humours captions to explain the picture, this makes it funny and quirky for the teens to read, which makes them want to read more. The fact that they put other celebrities with Tulisa gives more to look at for the audience and makes it a lot more interesting as you can see who Tulisa is getting close with. All of the picture apart from one have a white border round it, but the one with Tulisa and a very famous band member from JLS (who took part in the X factor a couple of years ago) Aston having a hug, and the caption says ' Tulisa's Aston's latest squeeze, which isn't giving too much away but dropping a little hint that something could be happening. They did this because the audience reading this magazine would be very interested in the band JLS. The yellow border to this picture attracts the audience to the picture they want the audience to see the most.On the last page is a long shot of Tulisa, it is a lot different to the other pages and makes it like a finale of the article for the audience. The camera is slightly looking up to her to bring a conclusion to how she is a positive artist in the media right now and is very inspirational in what she does. Also the last picture is a small picture of her and a band member from One Directions, (again took part in the competition on x factor) this relates to the x factor theme of the magazine. And also again the band are a big hit with the exact same audience as the magazine is trying to attract. 
On the Q magazine there is a lot less pictures, actually only having one picture. On the first page it is simply just text to appeal to the more mature reader compared to We Love Pop. On the other page however the is a full A4 picture of the band Biffy Clyro. But even then, it is a picture of them drinking alcohol. It slightly contrasts as they are older and the audience set out to attract a a lot more older and mature reader, however the band are spitting the drink out with their feet on the chairs etc. This contrasts with the adult like audience, as they are older but want to have fun. This fits in with the teen/ young adult audience, as they want to have fun and go partying but are a lot more mature. They also have a humorous side to the picture as one of the band members are wearing pink socks and bunny slippers, whilst holding a can of beer. This contrasts aswell to set a adult life like theme but in a humorous and fun way. It fits in with the context as it isnt very sensible as the questions that are asked are all very random. 

In We Love Pop magazine, the language used is very gossipy. As the interviewer is trying to to get gossip out of the person the main article is about. For example they asked Tulisa what she thought of Caroline Flack and Harry Styles relationship, finding out a little extra, but however they do it in a positive way making sure that it is not making the other person look bad. So it is what the young audience need, extra gossip the audience is craving but to negatively to teach them the positive way of life. Also it mainly about Tulisa, X factor, friends, and career. It doesn't have any sort of too personal questions like 'what's your favourite food?' This magazine is all very gossip orientated. The language is quite basic, and not a 'lot of complex words are used. They also highlighted in yellow the important parts of the answers, this attracts the reader to read that question and answer, seeing that is is something interesting and want to read the one before and after. The questions do follow on from one another, so you need to read the question before to understand the one after, and the question you read makes you want to read the next question. This attracts the naive teenagers but in a positive and right way.    
However in the music magazine Q there are a lot more complex and sophisticated words used throughout the text. This makes it a lot more easier for the older audience to read because it's in there comfort zone not boring and too easy but not too challenging, which then makes them more willing to read the article. As We Love Pop was more about whats going on now, so the audience keeps up with the gossip, Q is more about present information. Asking things about what life was like before they were famous. They have a more humorous touch, they try to make the audience laugh a lot more, as well show the band they are interviewing are having fun.  The context is a lot more mature as the magazine begins with 'Its Q's round? What are you having?'...'Just a vodka, please'. It involves a lot of things like alcohol, sex (pornography), and drugs, which is a lot like the typical rock stars lifestyle. This magazine is based on a stereotypical life but in a humorous way, almost making fun out of them selves.

On We Love Pop magazine, everything is very girly as there are a lot of hearts in places. Ending the whole article with a little pink heart on the end. And on every page there is 'Tulisa' on the corner of the page along with the logo on top of it saying We (heart) Pop. Where as Q magazine doesn't really have anything like that it is mainly just promoting that they are a an award winning magazine. And the end of this article is ended with the logo Q at the ends. The Q is placed in number of places on the page of the article to show the proud winner on best magazine. And the following page is a star with 'WINNER BEST LIVE ACT' in bold this shows that the magazine is high up and doing well because they can get a winning band. 

Over all the difference in these magazine are a very good example of the extremes of different types of genres. A rock/indie genre contrasted with a young pop magazine. The difference has been represented in the way that they would like to present their magazine to their set audience. Q using a more simplistic, bold, plain look, with humorous  mature context which fits the older/more sophisticated audience and We Love Pop using a very bold, bright, busy look with more of a fun, catchy, gossipy context, fitting the younger audience who are in to a more of a fun/ gossipy .

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