Sunday 11 November 2012

Comparison of Total Guitar and Q

Compare the covers of two music magazines

I have looked at and analysed two magazines. I am going to compare the two magazines, Total Guitar and Q. The two magazines vary in different ways although they are focused on similar music.

The magazine Total Guitar is aimed at late teens- early 20’s, who are into rock music, it is based on various different types of rock e.g. heavy, soft, metal etc. Whereas the magazine Q seems to be targeted at ages between 18 onwards, as it has a more sophisticated look to the magazine, you can tell this because it is all purely based on black, white, and red font against a white/grey background. It shows the simple and sophisticated look of the magazine. The music genre used in the magazine is more of a softer type of rock, rather than heavy metal. This attracts the audience who are interested in softer rock. Also Noel Gallagher is the main picture of the magazine and was in an older bad called ‘Oasis’. Therefore this proves the magazine is aimed at an older generation than ‘total guitar’.

Both of the magazines have a main picture. Both are of a full length picture of a lead singer, standing next to it is a musical instrument. Total guitar is of the lead singer from Green Day and he is holding a guitar, it is yellow therefore it stands out and reflects back to the title of the magazine. In Q Noel is leaning against an amp, again the instrument is rather big and has quotes from Noel in the amp. This again attracts the reader to the music side of the magazine, which shows it is actually a music magazine (represents the genre). Another presentational device would be the main title. In the magazine Total guitar it is behind all the rest of the features, i.e. the main picture of the band member from Green Day. It also doesn’t stand out against the magazine, as it is simply only grey and the rest of the text on the front cover is either grey of black. This represents the lack of interest in the magazine, and emphasis more on the picture, as the picture will be the device attracting the reader to the article. However on the over hand in the magazine Q, the name of the magazine ‘Q’ is it stands out a lot from the rest of the magazine, as it is very big in the corner of the magazine, in red and white. As the majority of the rest of the magazine is black and white and occasionally red. This emphasises the fact that the name of the magazine is well known and the name is what attracts the reader, because underneath the name is clearly says ‘THE WORLDS GREATEST MUSIC MAGAZINE’ this shows the emphasis of how famous the magazine actually is.  

Overall I have learnt that the main picture of the magazine really depends on what you want to attact the reader too. The main article is usually the main picture and the picture usually is what attracts the reader in the first place. Also the effect in how the colour of the magazine is used, for example using a dull coloured background and text, like black and white. And then using bright colours to pull the reader in and show the audience what is important about the magazine. The bright colours can also reflect the genre of the magazine. 

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