Monday 26 November 2012

Here I have looked at double page spreads for my music magazine, so then I can see what I like about certain pages and create my own.

I really the seperate page for a main picture to introduce artist, so everyone knows who the article is about and then followed on by 3 collumns of writing neatly set out. One of the main things I like is the top part is written in from the centre. And how Rihanna is the spaced out. I really like the way the article starts with a large R, not only for the first world of the article but for R-Rihanna the artist the article is about.

This is one of my favourites of all the double page spread I chose to look at. I really like the main picture, how it looks very urban and again old and washed out kind of look. I really like that some text has been added halth way across the picture, and the large text is relevent and spaced out to make it stand out more. I also really like the middle bit of text which is larger and a different colour to the rest of the text some also being bold. I lke again the larger letter at the beginning and how it ties into the orange white and black colour theme.

In this double page spread I really like the greys used, I like everything is basically a couple shades lighter or darker, like the text and background. But then the picture stands out so much due to the bold bright colours used. I really like the tie into the USA background text and how it sits behind her, and then she is sitting on a american flag. I like the classy joint up writing used to show how she is femine. And they are her lyrics.
I love this double page, this is one of my favourites because it is very different to the rest. I really like how the main heading looks sort of jumbled looking, and the text is the same colour and style but it has different size text, the 'of' is smaller and 'Adele' is slightly bigger. I really like that the main picture takes up more than half of the page and the lighting of the picture. I really like the black and white theme to this picture, I think it makes it very classy.

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