Monday 11 March 2013

Question 3- What have you learnt about technologies from creating your products?

Question 2- What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why? Look back on your research about magazine publishers e.g. Hachette, IPC. 

Having researched several media institutions I have decided that if my magazine was distributed by a media institution it would be Bauer Media. This is because my magazine was based upon a similar music genre and style as Q. Q is distributed by Bauer Media. Q magazine inspired the way I deigned my magazine in many ways. From the colour scheme, having it very simple and more of a classy look. I wanted my magazine to be based up a indie/rock genre. So either way I could have gone down the route of using Kerrang as inspiring the ideas for my magazine (which is more of a busy, dark magazine with a lot of detail in the editing of the layout, photos, and text). Or simply take the more of a calmed and sophisticated approach with using Q as an ideal magazine to base the style of my magazine on. And this is why I chose Q, because it was nice and simple. Q has specific qualities I picked up on whilst researching it such as, on the front cover and other pictures used throughout the magazine it was based upon simply just the face of the artist with a plain background, which I really liked as it kept the focus on purely just the artist and therefore doesn't need as much text because the picture speaks for itself, which i believe Q magazine does. Not only do I think Bauer would distribute my magazine for the specific qualities other magazines had that I focused on but also because of the fact Q magazine is on of the UK top best selling magazines. I would want my magazine LDN to follow in the same footsteps and be as successful as Q. 

Not only do I believe Bauer Media would distribute my magazine but also IPC Media. IPC Media distribute magazines such as NME and Uncut. I focused most of my research on NME however. I really liked NME's style and thoroughly looked into all kinds of different pages of theirs. Not only does IPC Media magazines such as NME focus on a similar music genre (rock/soft rock/indie/etc) but also focused on a similar target audience as me. I wanted my magazine to focus on ages from around 15/16 year olds and on wards (preferably up to late 20s). Although this may seem like a negative thing for IPC Media to do (publish my magazine LDN as well as Q) because they are so similar. This way it is giving their audience more of a varied choice in what magazines they are able to buy. They have more choice in different articles, pictures, competitions, etc. The target audience may even buy both magazines leading to more profit for IPC Media. NME magazine has similar qualities to my magazines, such as the bold text used. The simplistic design making the magazine look a lot more organised and suitable for the older teens. I also really liked the idea that NME used of having the name of the magazine (NME) in bold big text, and the artist of the main articles name at the bottom of the magazine in similar bold big text. This make the magazine look symmetrical again allowing it to look a lot more organised and people can then recognize the magazine from a distance.  

Question 1- In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?.

Friday 1 March 2013

What specific things I now know people like about my final product.

Recently I interviewed 3 friends of mine who were my perfect audience. They were interested in all the types of music and articles involved into my magazine, so they were a perfect target audience for me to ask what specifically they liked about my magazine. 

First video- Sade Williams, 16 years old. Into festivals, gigs, parties, and loves Frank Ocean. 

Second video- Tuesday Rowlands, 17 years old. Enjoys going to gigs and listening to music, travelling. Loves You Me At Six, Fall Out Boy, and Florence and the machine.

Third video- Rebecca Morris, 18 years old. Loves reading magazines, listening to music, and parties. Loves Arctic Monkeys, Coldplay, and Bastille. 

From there interests and taste in music this already gave me a bonus on whether they would like my magazine, so I knew it was all down to the layout, pictures, colour scheme etc.

What did my target audience like?
  • Bold title, with the shadow behind it.
  • Colour scheme is consistent and match well, look professional.
  • Pictures are really relevant to the interest of teens and young adults.
  • Quote on dps is inspirational, and fonts really make the quote stand out.
  • Picture looks professional. 
  • Quotes on front page (Orla's quote) is really exciting and makes you want to read it (Orla could have ended up in prison. 
  • Circle on front page really catches your eye 
  • The text Orla is written in because it allows you to easily know who the main article is about.
  • The way prison is spaced out because it emphasizes that prison is shocking.
  • The layout of the content page looks professional. 
  • Content is written in curly writing, because it different and stands out more. 
  • London logo on content page, black and white allows you to know what the magazine is called easily.
  • Colour of the dps picture because the black and white goes with colour scheme. 
  • Master head is effective. 
  • Poster advertisement is popular for teens. 
  • Use of different fonts.
  • Content page is 'Simple yet sophisticated'.
  • New features, numbers, good magazine conventions are used throughout magazine.
  • Pull quote on double page spread really pull you in. 
  • Pull quote is a good topic as Alex Turner is very popular at the moment.
  • Title for Orla on dps and front cover are the same text, this is consistent and makes you magazine look really organised. 
Over all everything I put into my magazine, such as specific conventions, like the pull quotes, big text, edited pictures and so on were commented on positively by my perfect target audience. Even little touches I added to my magazine like have 'prison' spaced out on my front cover for the quote from Orla, (used to emphasize that an actual celebrity admits she could have been in prison) people actually noticed. The smaller details really did come in handy for me. Overall all the positive feed back I have had back has made me feel really positive about my magazine and I feel like I have really improved and I am a lot more advanced with programs such as Photoshop and Indesign! 

My third person talking about my final music magazine.

My second person talking about my final music magazine.

Someone talking about my final product.

Thursday 28 February 2013


This is my final magazine draft, this is my front cover, double page spread and content page.

I changed the style/ layout of my magazine quite a lot, I really like the idea that now 'LDN' and 'ORLA' are on different sides as I think it balances the page out nicely. I like how I edited the picture also as the pinkness around her lips have gone, she doesn't look too shiny, and also her skin complexion looks a lot better. Also I wanted to make my picture a lot lighter as it was hard to read the text on my last draft. I think the text stands out a lot more, as even having the maroon against her her did clash and made it hard for the reader to read, I either put a drop shadow behind it or a white out line to make it a lot easier. I used less text/ articles on the front cover because I believed it was a bit too busy and I thought the reader almost wouldn't know where to look. Lastly I really liked the box with the Cold play's top songs, as it broke things up a bit and made it look a lot like a magazine.

This is my content page, on my recent draft it didn't contain enough pictures. I thought I need more pictures because most content pages have a lot of pictures on so that the reader has more of an idea what the magazine is going to contain. I didn't just want to involve pictures of my model, so I took some pictures I recently got from a concert I went to. And also a new CD I recently purchased for others to win a chance to win. Most music magazines contain the information about subscribing and competitions, therefore I wanted to do the same as it is a music magazine feature. I also made a change in the text I used. As I previously just added the title rather than a title and a bit of a description. What I mean by this is in all types of magazines they have a little titles which can be a bit of a tease to make you want to then read the sub title and then on wards to the actual article. That is what I have added to this page which I really like. Lastly I added little descriptions to my pictures, as before no one really knew what then were for and what pages they were ment to go with. Therefore adding the little description box helped me say what it was and where you can find it.. Making it a lot easier to access for the reader. 

This is the first page to my double page spread. Throughout the production of my magazine I really struggled with this page as I couldn't get the right picture to fit into my magazine with the correct editing. After taking new pictures, I then found it a lot easier to chose how I would like to edit it. I chose to edit it in black and white because I really wanted a picture to fit in with my colour scheme. As when I did try with the normal colours of the picture it really clashed with her hair, the maroon and her hair didn't work well. So I thought the black and white idea would fit perfectly. I really like the sketchy look it has as I think it makes it look edgy and of course that is the look I want (an edgy/urban look). I think it really shows the definition of curls in her hair which adds to the texture of the picture to allow it not to be boring. I chose this picture particularly based on the quote a pulled out of the article. I wanted a picture of her smiling, but a thoughtful smile, almost like she is looking into her past and smiling because 'there's so much to smile about'. Which really reflects the fun happy magazine I am setting out to achieve. I also added a little sharpe cut of edge to the rectangles to put extra information in like the website and logo and the page number. I thought this allowed it to stand out in the edgy way I want my magazine to be seen. I also added the website at the bottom because in today's technology everything is on the internet, therefore this represents that my magazine is young and modern to fit the audience I want my readers to be. 

My final page is the second page to my double page spread. I haven't changed this drastically however the little adjustments I have made have made it stand out a lot more. As I have used a pull quote. Using a very 'juicy' part of the articles to draw the reader in. As most people do like to know the lastest gossip and what is going on, also as the young audience I want to attract are all in that age group where they want to find 'young love' and therefore this great bit of gossip involving two huge stars will drag them in easily. I really liked the big quotation marks as it adds to the impact of how important the pull- quotes is. Lastly I added the 'Love Orla x' which is in a handwritten text, this makes the whole interview seem even more realistic, and the readers actually then do have their own little signed copy of Orla's autograph. 

Monday 11 February 2013

Article Improvement.

I wanted to change my interview a bit because I thought some bits were unnecessary and boring. This is my improvement...

Orla, How are you finding life now you are in the spot light?
I’m enjoying it a lot, it’s very chaotic at the moment but that’s how I like it, I like to keep my self busy, that way I don’t get into trouble.
Were you a troublesome teen then?
Hmm *looks to her mother on her left and laughs* I wasn't exactly an angel. I got into trouble from the crowd I hung around with, luckily I got my self out of the mess quick enough.
And what exactly was the trouble?
I started to fall out with friends in about year 10, and then made new friends who weren't exactly good for me. I admit in my past I was wrong and stupid, getting involved with the police, smoking, drinking the lot. When things started to get out of hand I began to get angry, that’s when I turnt to my music.

So, would you say music saved you from ruining your life?
Definitely, if I hadn't turnt back to singing and song writing, I would probably be in prison. I’m so grateful to have the talent I do. I really want to encourage teenagers to get involved and reach for the best of their abilities. 

We would have never of thought you were ever like that! 
*Laughs* Aw thank you, trust me I have grown up and learnt my ways now, I know I can’t rely on my mum to get me out of trouble and help with every step. I am a changed person and i’m proud of who I am now.
We are very proud of you! You’re a very inspiring young lady... So we love your new album, have you got a tour planned?
Weird you said that, only yesterday I was talking to my manager about going on tour. So watch this space everyone.
Very exciting, what do you love most about now being a number 1 artist of 2012?
I love performing, Connecting with my fans, and just to see them having fun! I love singing live, because I can change it up and have a bit of fun. 

We heard that in the last gig you had a little guest back stage?
(continuously laughs) I’ve gone so red. I don't know what you’re talking about. 
We know you’re lying, so the rumour about you and Alex turner from Arctic Monkeys dating is true?
Nothing is set in stone yet. But yes we have been seeing each other, but that’s it so far.
Is there a future with you two?
Maybe there will be a future for Alex and I, these thing’s just happen.
That’s a good start, is he the great all rounder the media portrays?
Of course, he’s an amazing guy and extremely talented. He deserves all the credit he gets, he really does. 

We really want thing’s to workout with you two.
You never know, but I do want to just focus on my career for now, I’ve only just begun!!
Would you ever date a fan?
I would date anyone aslong as they want me for me.
What is your favourite song?
Hm I have quite a few, Cold play, Oasis, Arctic Monkey (she laughs, and we all know why!), The Beatles! 

What is a secret about you?
I have a huge scar on my knee, from when I thought The Kooks were in my local shopping centre so I ran all the way and didn’t make it because I tripped over and got rushed to hospital for stitches. Yes I was once a proud fan girl myself.
Any bad habits?
Probably singing constantly but it’s what I live for!
Do you drink, if so what kind of drunk are you?
I just want to have a good time, but I’m be very clumsy, and often come home with bruises.
Well thank you very much! We have really enjoyed interviewing you + hope for the best with the rest of your career.

Monday 4 February 2013


This is my second draft for my music magazine. I really like the picture, however I would like to change the edit of the picture, because it is too dark and also her face has turned a more yellow/ shiny effect. I like that I have a colour scheme for my magazine for the fonts. However I would like to focus on 3 good fonts rather than having different fonts every time because it looks messy and unorganised. I need to also add the price on my front cover somewhere, either at the top in the free spot in the black box, or near the bar code. Also maybe add boxes behind the text and tilt them (style/ reorganise them).

This is my second draft for my content page. Again I like the colour scheme for the content page. I also like the layout and have the headings in black. However, I would like to number chronologically, because it look disorganised and confusing. Also add some texts by the picture up because it is unclear on what is going on. I would like to add a few more picture, maybe more on youmeatsix's tour. And replace the picture of model to a new one as it is not very good.
I really don't like this page, as the cutting and quality of the picture is really bad. Also the colour of the font is really hard to read. However I do like the text for the heading 'Are the rumours true?' So I think I would like to keep that the same. But change the colour of the text. Rearrange the whole content page.

I do really like this page because of the colours, and text. However it is a bit plain and boring. I would like to add a 'pull quote' of an interesting section. Maybe I will delete a section of the magazine to fit it in. I could add a picture in the centre of the page with a quote maybe. Also go through and check for spelling mistakes and re word certain things as some is not needed or does not seem right. I would like to add page numbers and a little logo on the content page, and the double page spread to make my magazine look a lot more professional.

Tuesday 29 January 2013


I like the layout of this page, however I would like to change the colour scheme because stereotypically pink represents girls, and my magazine is for boys and girls. Therefore it has already suggests it is just for girls. So I would like to put a red or green. Also I really would like to use this picture as my front cover. So I would like to replace this picture, and I wouldn't edit it as much because her face looks abit too airbrushed.

Again I would like to change the colour scheme of this page. I like the layout of this page, however it looks very boring at the moment. Especially the random pink colour in the text. I would like to change all the questions to be a specific colour rather than mix and match because it is a bit confusing and scruffy looking. Also maybe add a pull quote or picture to draw the reader to the page more.

Tuesday 1 January 2013


 This is my first draft of my content page for my music magazine, I really like the colour scheme to my magazine which is red, white, and black. I really like the way I have a bold black header for the different categories as this makes it easier for the reader to find what they like. I also like the lines to my content page the lines I have put in e.g. at the bottom of all the pages included in the magazine all add to detail and make it a lot less plain, therefore I would like to add quite a few more of these at the top etc. One thing I would definitely like to change is the picture, it isn't the best quality and I think I may have edited a bit too much, therefore next time I would like to not airbrush it as much. Also one last thing I'm not sure on is, there is not enough pictures, I actually have pictures from the You Me At Six concert from last month and there fore can use them on my magazine, because content pages are usually full on pictures.