Thursday 28 February 2013


This is my final magazine draft, this is my front cover, double page spread and content page.

I changed the style/ layout of my magazine quite a lot, I really like the idea that now 'LDN' and 'ORLA' are on different sides as I think it balances the page out nicely. I like how I edited the picture also as the pinkness around her lips have gone, she doesn't look too shiny, and also her skin complexion looks a lot better. Also I wanted to make my picture a lot lighter as it was hard to read the text on my last draft. I think the text stands out a lot more, as even having the maroon against her her did clash and made it hard for the reader to read, I either put a drop shadow behind it or a white out line to make it a lot easier. I used less text/ articles on the front cover because I believed it was a bit too busy and I thought the reader almost wouldn't know where to look. Lastly I really liked the box with the Cold play's top songs, as it broke things up a bit and made it look a lot like a magazine.

This is my content page, on my recent draft it didn't contain enough pictures. I thought I need more pictures because most content pages have a lot of pictures on so that the reader has more of an idea what the magazine is going to contain. I didn't just want to involve pictures of my model, so I took some pictures I recently got from a concert I went to. And also a new CD I recently purchased for others to win a chance to win. Most music magazines contain the information about subscribing and competitions, therefore I wanted to do the same as it is a music magazine feature. I also made a change in the text I used. As I previously just added the title rather than a title and a bit of a description. What I mean by this is in all types of magazines they have a little titles which can be a bit of a tease to make you want to then read the sub title and then on wards to the actual article. That is what I have added to this page which I really like. Lastly I added little descriptions to my pictures, as before no one really knew what then were for and what pages they were ment to go with. Therefore adding the little description box helped me say what it was and where you can find it.. Making it a lot easier to access for the reader. 

This is the first page to my double page spread. Throughout the production of my magazine I really struggled with this page as I couldn't get the right picture to fit into my magazine with the correct editing. After taking new pictures, I then found it a lot easier to chose how I would like to edit it. I chose to edit it in black and white because I really wanted a picture to fit in with my colour scheme. As when I did try with the normal colours of the picture it really clashed with her hair, the maroon and her hair didn't work well. So I thought the black and white idea would fit perfectly. I really like the sketchy look it has as I think it makes it look edgy and of course that is the look I want (an edgy/urban look). I think it really shows the definition of curls in her hair which adds to the texture of the picture to allow it not to be boring. I chose this picture particularly based on the quote a pulled out of the article. I wanted a picture of her smiling, but a thoughtful smile, almost like she is looking into her past and smiling because 'there's so much to smile about'. Which really reflects the fun happy magazine I am setting out to achieve. I also added a little sharpe cut of edge to the rectangles to put extra information in like the website and logo and the page number. I thought this allowed it to stand out in the edgy way I want my magazine to be seen. I also added the website at the bottom because in today's technology everything is on the internet, therefore this represents that my magazine is young and modern to fit the audience I want my readers to be. 

My final page is the second page to my double page spread. I haven't changed this drastically however the little adjustments I have made have made it stand out a lot more. As I have used a pull quote. Using a very 'juicy' part of the articles to draw the reader in. As most people do like to know the lastest gossip and what is going on, also as the young audience I want to attract are all in that age group where they want to find 'young love' and therefore this great bit of gossip involving two huge stars will drag them in easily. I really liked the big quotation marks as it adds to the impact of how important the pull- quotes is. Lastly I added the 'Love Orla x' which is in a handwritten text, this makes the whole interview seem even more realistic, and the readers actually then do have their own little signed copy of Orla's autograph. 

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