Monday 4 February 2013


This is my second draft for my music magazine. I really like the picture, however I would like to change the edit of the picture, because it is too dark and also her face has turned a more yellow/ shiny effect. I like that I have a colour scheme for my magazine for the fonts. However I would like to focus on 3 good fonts rather than having different fonts every time because it looks messy and unorganised. I need to also add the price on my front cover somewhere, either at the top in the free spot in the black box, or near the bar code. Also maybe add boxes behind the text and tilt them (style/ reorganise them).

This is my second draft for my content page. Again I like the colour scheme for the content page. I also like the layout and have the headings in black. However, I would like to number chronologically, because it look disorganised and confusing. Also add some texts by the picture up because it is unclear on what is going on. I would like to add a few more picture, maybe more on youmeatsix's tour. And replace the picture of model to a new one as it is not very good.
I really don't like this page, as the cutting and quality of the picture is really bad. Also the colour of the font is really hard to read. However I do like the text for the heading 'Are the rumours true?' So I think I would like to keep that the same. But change the colour of the text. Rearrange the whole content page.

I do really like this page because of the colours, and text. However it is a bit plain and boring. I would like to add a 'pull quote' of an interesting section. Maybe I will delete a section of the magazine to fit it in. I could add a picture in the centre of the page with a quote maybe. Also go through and check for spelling mistakes and re word certain things as some is not needed or does not seem right. I would like to add page numbers and a little logo on the content page, and the double page spread to make my magazine look a lot more professional.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ciara,

    Thanks for uploading this to your blog. I would suggest you make improvements to the following:

    Cover - choose your fonts more carefully and focus on the picture - the background looks too dark and the colours on the model's face make her look shiny.

    Contents page - work on the pictures and think about numbering it chronologically. You should also include some more pictures.

    Double page spread - the picture needs closer cutting out and the words are hard to see in terms of the colours. Break up the page of text with another picture or some pull quotes. You could also make it look more professional by including page numbers and the magazine name/logo at the bottom of each page.

    Mrs Hill
