Tuesday 1 January 2013


 This is my first draft of my content page for my music magazine, I really like the colour scheme to my magazine which is red, white, and black. I really like the way I have a bold black header for the different categories as this makes it easier for the reader to find what they like. I also like the lines to my content page the lines I have put in e.g. at the bottom of all the pages included in the magazine all add to detail and make it a lot less plain, therefore I would like to add quite a few more of these at the top etc. One thing I would definitely like to change is the picture, it isn't the best quality and I think I may have edited a bit too much, therefore next time I would like to not airbrush it as much. Also one last thing I'm not sure on is, there is not enough pictures, I actually have pictures from the You Me At Six concert from last month and there fore can use them on my magazine, because content pages are usually full on pictures. 

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