Friday 1 March 2013

What specific things I now know people like about my final product.

Recently I interviewed 3 friends of mine who were my perfect audience. They were interested in all the types of music and articles involved into my magazine, so they were a perfect target audience for me to ask what specifically they liked about my magazine. 

First video- Sade Williams, 16 years old. Into festivals, gigs, parties, and loves Frank Ocean. 

Second video- Tuesday Rowlands, 17 years old. Enjoys going to gigs and listening to music, travelling. Loves You Me At Six, Fall Out Boy, and Florence and the machine.

Third video- Rebecca Morris, 18 years old. Loves reading magazines, listening to music, and parties. Loves Arctic Monkeys, Coldplay, and Bastille. 

From there interests and taste in music this already gave me a bonus on whether they would like my magazine, so I knew it was all down to the layout, pictures, colour scheme etc.

What did my target audience like?
  • Bold title, with the shadow behind it.
  • Colour scheme is consistent and match well, look professional.
  • Pictures are really relevant to the interest of teens and young adults.
  • Quote on dps is inspirational, and fonts really make the quote stand out.
  • Picture looks professional. 
  • Quotes on front page (Orla's quote) is really exciting and makes you want to read it (Orla could have ended up in prison. 
  • Circle on front page really catches your eye 
  • The text Orla is written in because it allows you to easily know who the main article is about.
  • The way prison is spaced out because it emphasizes that prison is shocking.
  • The layout of the content page looks professional. 
  • Content is written in curly writing, because it different and stands out more. 
  • London logo on content page, black and white allows you to know what the magazine is called easily.
  • Colour of the dps picture because the black and white goes with colour scheme. 
  • Master head is effective. 
  • Poster advertisement is popular for teens. 
  • Use of different fonts.
  • Content page is 'Simple yet sophisticated'.
  • New features, numbers, good magazine conventions are used throughout magazine.
  • Pull quote on double page spread really pull you in. 
  • Pull quote is a good topic as Alex Turner is very popular at the moment.
  • Title for Orla on dps and front cover are the same text, this is consistent and makes you magazine look really organised. 
Over all everything I put into my magazine, such as specific conventions, like the pull quotes, big text, edited pictures and so on were commented on positively by my perfect target audience. Even little touches I added to my magazine like have 'prison' spaced out on my front cover for the quote from Orla, (used to emphasize that an actual celebrity admits she could have been in prison) people actually noticed. The smaller details really did come in handy for me. Overall all the positive feed back I have had back has made me feel really positive about my magazine and I feel like I have really improved and I am a lot more advanced with programs such as Photoshop and Indesign! 

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