Monday 17 December 2012


This is my first draft of my front cover for my music magazine. I like the layout to this magazine, especially the main title and her name Orla. I wanted the main titles of the magazine to stand out, and I wanted to do this by using a bold text. I wanted my front cover to be basic and not too busy. I used a part of the magazine interview which I thought would be interesting and make the reader want to read the double page spread. I also advertised exclusive pictures and posters so they know they are getting more out of the magazine. I made the bar code myself as well as editing the picture. I wanted her face to be nicely airbrushed to give the celebrity flawless skin look. I would like to go back and either change the picture, or simply do something with the back ground of the magazine as it looks quite a faded grey and messy. I used a coral pink and white colour scheme, however I would definitely want to go back and change this as the colour chose may only attract girls, and my magazine was is out to attract both audiences of men and female. Overall I am quite happy with my front cover magazine, I would just like to do a little touch ups to it. 

This is my interview for my music magazine.

How are you finding life now you are in the spot light?
I'm enjoying alot, it's its very caotic at the moment but that's how I like it, I like to keep my self busy, that way I don't get into trouble.

Were you a troublesome teen then?
Hmm *looks to her mother on her left and laughs* I wasn't exactly an angel. I got into trouble from the crowd I hung around with, luckily I got my self out of the mess I got my self into in the first place.

And what exactly was the trouble?
I started to fall out with friends in about year 10, and then made new friends who weren't exactly good for me. I admit in my past I was wrong and stupid, getting involved with the police, smoking, drinking the lot. When things started to get out of hand I turnt to my music, as it was a way for me to relax and forget about all my problems.

So, would you say music saved you from ruining your life?
Definitely, if I hadn't turnt back to singing and song writing, I would probably be in prison. I'm so grateful to have the talent I do. I really want to encourage teenagers to get involved and reach for the best of their abilities.

We would have never of thought you were ever like that!
*Laughs* Aw thankyou, trust me I have grown up and learnt my ways now, I know I can't rely on my mum to get my out of trouble and help me with every step. I am a changed person and i'm proud of who I am now.

That's very inspiring, we heard you have set up a number of youth clubs in london recently, is this true?
Yes! I organised 5 so far, that is as much as I can do at the moment. I've managed to make time to visit one every tuesday. I want to see them, tell them my story, help and watch them grow into mature teenagers ready for the world. I just want teenagers of the streets.

We are very proud of you! You're a very inspiring young lady.
So we love your new album, have you got a tour planned?
Weird you said that, only yesterday I was talking to my manager about going on tour. So watch this space everyone.

Oh that's very exciting, what do you love most about now being a number 1 artist of 2012?
I love performing, I know its obvious, but I really do. Being able to just see that myself and my songs are making people have the enjoyment they are, it simply makes me my day. I only sing live obviously and at gigs I really get into it and can have abit of fun with my songs and the audience.

We heard that in the last gig you had a little guest back stage?
hahahahahaha (continiously laughs) I've gone so red. I dont know what you're talking about.

We know you're lieing hahaha, so the rumour about you and Alex turner from The Arctic Monkeys dating isn't true?
Well, we are not 'dating'. But yes we have been singing, but we're simply just friends at the moment.

Oh! That's a little dissapointing, so there's no chance of seeing the later Orla Turner?
Oh god no, he is a very nice guy, and we have such a laugh, maybe something may happen, but nothing like that. I've only just started my career up!!!

That is very true, so you are not looking for a boyfriend?
No, I am not, I purely want to focus on my career. However what ever happens happens, you can't stop them things happening.

Would you ever date a fan?
Of course, as long as I can trust the person. But it would take a very long time.

So all your boy fans have a chance!

Now time for some random questions are readers have sent in!

What is your favourite song?
Hm that's a hard one, I have quite a few, can I just give you some of my favourite artists? because I simply love all the songs of all their albums!.. Cold play, Oasis, The artic monkey (she laughs to her self, and we all know why!), the beatles I still love the beatles!

When is your birthday?
15th of November!

What's your guilty pleasure?
I love sweets, I have such a sweet tooth, I would have a desert over my dinner anyday! Its so unhealthy!

What is a secret that not many of your fans know?
I have a huge scar on my knee, from when I thought The Kooks were in my local shopping centre so I ran all the way and didn't make it because I tripped over and got rushed to hospital for stitches. Yes I was once a proud fan girl myself.

Any bad habits?
Oh yeah! I bite my nails, sorry I know it's not nice but you asked! Oh and I sing the majority of the time, people find that very annoying.

Do you have a hidden talent?
Oh hm, um, believe it or not all that time I was getting into trouble the only thing i was commited to was playing the violin and obviously my singing! I'm actually quite into classical music. Oh and im quite good at accents!

Who was your first celebrity crush?
Robbie Williams, and I still quite fancy him. (covers her face with embarrassment).

Do you drink, if so what kind fo drunk are you?
That is random! Um I do occassionally drink, and I just want to have a good time, but I'm known to be very clumsy, and often come home with bruises from falling over!

Well thankyou very much! We have really enjoyed interviewig you and hope for the best with the rest of your career.

Thankyou very much for having me!

Sunday 16 December 2012

Music magazine pictures (before edit)

I didn't really like a lot of the picture I previously took for my music magazine, so I wanted to take some more. I didn't like them because when I edited them her face seemed to look shiny or the complexion of her skin wasn't right. Also I forgot to change her outfit, and in the magazines I researched the artist always has various different outfits on, also with different makeup, hairstyle etc. 
Here are a few I am considering using...

Although the quality of the picture wasn't how I expected it to turn out due to not having the best equipment, I know I can adjust this with Photo Shop. I again used a slight close up on some of the pictures, but also decided to show half of the body. I wanted the audience to be able to see more of what sh is wearing so it was more of a representation of what audience I'm trying to set out to attract. Also I wanted to try out different shots to see what would work with different layouts, this helped me to become more adventurous. I think the ones of her smiling really show the personality I want the artist to have, a bubbly, humorous, fun loving person.  

Thursday 13 December 2012

My front cover picture for my music magazine

This is the picture I would like to have on my front cover, I chose this picture of all pictures because it is stylish and edgy, which is the look I aimed to give off when taking the pictures. Also I chose this specific shot (mid close up)  because I wanted to get a close up of her face because I wanted to show a definded look on her make up, and eyes. But I also wanted a little bit of the background to show to show so affect. I really also wanted a bit of accessories shown, including her gold chain and just a plain white T-shirt I wanted to keep things plain and simple but for her makeup and hair to show the edgy style to the magazine. I edited it on photoshop using various editing skills I researched on how to air brush as that was a key thing I wanted to edit on the picture to give her the typical magazine, airburshed, flawless skin look. I also had to edit out the red in her eyes from taking the picture. I used various simple effects on photoshop, to make a difference in the picture. Here is a before and after...

This is my original picture without any edits.

The edit I did on photoshop...

Sunday 9 December 2012

Pictures I have taken for my music magazine

Here are quite a few pictures I have taken for my music magazine. I really wanted to focus on closeups, I think they are very powerful and you can easily create a key feature e.g. eyes, to draw the readers attention into the picture. Therefore I focused on closeups and mid shot pictures, nothing below her waist. I wanted the pictures to be simply, this is why I chose her with wear just a plain white T shirt in most of it. The way I dressed her really represents the audience I want to attract for my magazine, as she is dressed in a edgy way. Also not covered in loads of jewellery of wearing lots of designer fancy clothes represents the type of readers I want to attract. Young middle class teenagers who are only really interested in the passion of music and also the urban edgy fashion. Also I really want her to have a serious face on the front of the cover and perhaps on my double page spread purely because I want it to show a serious side to music and although she is a fun loving person she is serious when she needs to be, this then allows what young adults of today should be like. Also I think the moodiness of her face also represents the 'typical teenager'.  

Monday 3 December 2012

Double page spread for my music magazine.

This is my plan for my content page, I really want my first page just containing a picture and an interesting quote from the magazine, to encourage the readers to read the article alot. I also really like the following page I put together, I want certain things to to catch the readers eye to the heading, quote and the main letter to connect in with the theme with my magazine.

Mid shot, layout for front cover for my music magazine.

This is my other front cover magazine with the midshot picture in the middle, I like this because the text can then be written in the middle of the page. I really like the idea of having the artists name bold coming across the body of the artist. This is the main reason I want my layout like this aswell.

Close up, front cover layout for music magazine.

I am unsure on whether I would like a close up of my magazine or more a mid shot for my front cover. So I am going to do two layouts for my front cover one being for a close up and then one for more of a mid shot. This is my layout for the close up, I would like to the picture to be a close up of the person who is modeling for me face. And I would like the text to simply surround it. I like the colse up because it is busy with just the picture being there.