Tuesday 16 October 2012

Pictures I have taken round school for my magazine cover and content page.

I have chosen to do the key parts of my school, for example 'The Hub', the atrium, the music corridor, the hall, and also only one classroom. I only used one classroom as they are all pretty much the same layout and look, they all look the same. I included picture of people art, because I want to include competition winners of an art competition to emphasize the competition at school and so that there is a little sneak peak of who is winning what. I have taken the pictures in these specific angles because I really wanted to make the rooms look as big as possible and in a sort of unusual way to make the pictures stand out and not be as boring. I also took a picture of the a board we have up which includes the London Olympics 2012. This is because it has been the talk worldwide for the whole year and I knew it is a huge interest at the moment. Also as we have some one who used to go to Bishop Ramsey School actually taking part in the paralympics, I thought it would be a great opportunity to use this as my main article because it is such a huge interest at the moment not only in the UK but world wide, which really reflects how much of an interest it is. 

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